‘New Caledonian crows can also reason about hidden mechanisms, or “causal agents,” a team of scientists report’ #birds http://t.co/dtF4WKaM
“Dreary evening in #blackandwh…
“Dreary evening in #blackandwhite #lakeside #lightleak #adversed #landscape by funktakula http://t.co/13Eu6e7J
Motel Geary Parkway #SanFranci…
Motel Geary Parkway #SanFrancisco #photo #BlackAndWhite #2007 http://t.co/w68iTEGY
Podcast 47 – And that’s wh…
Podcast 47 – And that’s why I went to HORDE Fest http://t.co/FBTXaIVm
Watch @EPSN football pundit @A…
Watch @EPSN football pundit @AdamSchefter talk about “how short the leash Vick is on right now” http://t.co/ftU2sm4E
“Francis is really digging in …
“Francis is really digging in
“@Kalarlis: how do we know t…
“@Kalarlis: how do we know the moon isn’t just the sun getting really sad every night” Size in the sky, appearing together, UV levels, &c.
Westlake field panorama #Ohio …
Westlake field panorama #Ohio http://t.co/qSZ65J6d
Djmcloud Podcast #47 first lis…
Djmcloud Podcast #47 first listen #mp3 #audio We talked about good music, terrible podcasts, and two rare good movies http://t.co/8dOAT2yw
Recorded a wide-ranging podcas…
Recorded a wide-ranging podcast with @JessicaMcKeown: we discussed Bane, Neil Young, Snow White, “The Night Out,” Swiss clocks & Apple, &c.