Not very far into the Tibetan Book of the Dead (or whatever its proper name is) but so far I’ve learned to avoid the blue light special.
“Oh hai!” by mcjaguar http://t…
“Oh hai!” by mcjaguar
Storm over the Rocky River htt…
Storm over the Rocky River
‘”The Influence And Corruption…
‘”The Influence And Corruption Of The Political Process By Monsanto!” Congressman Dennis Kucinich’ #video
Podcast 46 – You know Pirate…
Podcast 46 – You know Pirate Party is actually a thing in Europe
‘Pig rescues baby goat’ #video…
‘Pig rescues baby goat’ #video
RT @MirandaSings At freedom ba…
RT @MirandaSings At freedom bar in london. About to sing. So. Just saying.
Why do we think of cloned user…
Why do we think of cloned user spaces via Dropbox for 2 different computers running Mac OS X?
RT @MeganShpettit There’s free…
RT @MeganShpettit There’s free bread pieces at the park!
‘Heckler During My Dating Mate…
‘Heckler During My Dating Material’ #video