If sports stats were as well understood as market numbers then people would realize that fantasy sports are asymptotically close to random.
“Overhaul & Paint” 1971 (?…
“Overhaul & Paint” 1971 (?) #photo of a #Chicago CTA train in Skokie #Flickr http://t.co/rhSWzJu4
My parakeets love Vs. by Pearl…
My parakeets love Vs. by Pearl Jam. #classic #grunge #Spotify http://t.co/wLGCfRdL
According to a web site (found…
According to a web site (found via @alexinthecity; thanks), I write like James Joyce http://t.co/dyB8z3Z6 #YES my book: http://t.co/952PYplf
Republicans in Tampa “threw nu…
Republicans in Tampa “threw nuts at an African-American CNN camera operator and said, “This is how we feed animals.”” http://t.co/jbzYgQqX
Good Bye http://t.co/Y1RQx4bz
Good Bye http://t.co/Y1RQx4bz
‘Boehner Can’t Explain Why Vot…
‘Boehner Can’t Explain Why Voters Should Trust GOP With Control of White House and Congress Again’ http://t.co/8uYcQjpr
‘Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn at …
‘Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn at Hempfest 2012’ http://t.co/dq1BXtrl
Whoever is handling NASA’s PR …
Whoever is handling NASA’s PR right now is doing a great job. More non-sciency people talking about @MarsCuriosity than normal distribution.
‘Time Square Crutch Fight’ #vi…
‘Time Square Crutch Fight’ #video http://t.co/THTD9vYP