Storm Klein plead guilty to charges arising from hitting a woman: reinstated to Ohio State football team by Urban Meyer
“@krissiepotato: @pacificpel…
“@krissiepotato: @pacificpelican well you aren’t paying attention.” Wrong, you PNC shill. Where are the bikes parked at workplaces? +winter?
RT @MirandaSings i read 50 sha…
RT @MirandaSings i read 50 shades of grey. WATCH
RT @realdanlyons Flashback to …
RT @realdanlyons Flashback to November 2010: John Doerr says Zynga is “our best company ever.”
Perspective tile effect in #Pi…
Perspective tile effect in #Pixelmator just check it out #CoreImage
‘Hunt Continues for Escaped Pe…
‘Hunt Continues for Escaped Peacock in Queens’
Key Bank Tower #Cleveland #Ohi…
Key Bank Tower #Cleveland #Ohio #D5000
If you could go ahead and writ…
If you could go ahead and write me a PHP regEX for stripping rel=“nofollow” out of anchor tags, that’d be great.
And now it’s happening–Nikon …
And now it’s happening–Nikon releases first Android-running point-and-shoot camera
RT @mountain_goats to-dayyy is…
RT @mountain_goats to-dayyy is gonna be the day that they’re gonna throw a snack to you