‘EDMLA: Emma Hewitt In concert Aug 3, 2012’ #video http://t.co/9OzyRsxJ
Sparta the yellow bird http://…
Sparta the yellow bird http://t.co/8nSw5SF3
Dodger and Belle #parakeets #f…
Dodger and Belle #parakeets #fisheye http://t.co/a8Z394Ew
Police setting up checkpoint t…
Police setting up checkpoint tonight on Detroit Ave. in #Lakewood #Ohio http://t.co/lBfsVCPM
Podcast 44 – I was using my …
Podcast 44 – I was using my other computer http://t.co/l5SIygks
‘Sloth bear cub plays with fam…
‘Sloth bear cub plays with family like a dog’ http://t.co/VtxrJXT6
“Paul Ryan’s Medicaid changes …
“Paul Ryan’s Medicaid changes may be bigger” than those to Medicare (by @Politico) http://t.co/QAdxGslr
‘RIAA budget shrinks nearly 50…
‘RIAA budget shrinks nearly 50% over two years’ http://t.co/HIwaAyXY
A new branch http://t.co/gssCP…
A new branch http://t.co/gssCPmZs
” Fukushima’s Mutating Butte…
” Fukushima’s Mutating Butterflies” http://t.co/UWxd1hMq