RT @danbenjamin @pacificpelican build it
Thick-peeled lemon http://t.co…
Thick-peeled lemon http://t.co/aHtladt9
“@danbenjamin: Any PHP devel…
Okay apparently Shawn Ryan is …
Okay apparently Shawn Ryan is from Rockford, Illinois, which perfectly explains why he’d be the last person to ever understand Chicago.
Shawn Ryan from the incredibly…
Shawn Ryan from the incredibly awesome show The Shield was also behind worthless bomb The Chicago Code? Most people don’t get both coasts.
“Night cycling Detroit Avenue …
“Night cycling Detroit Avenue in Lakewood” http://t.co/bvqGBbiq
There’s a reason Peter Jacks…
There’s a reason Peter Jackson is avoiding the frame rate issue when screening parts of the Hobbit. 24 fps = cinema to brains of moviegoers.
Rocky River mini-waterfall htt…
Rocky River mini-waterfall http://t.co/WwvVMqXO
Never has a truer sketch been …
Never has a truer sketch been drawn of me than this one by @JessicaMcKeown http://t.co/rKuVPqGU
“Riding bikes to Rocky River” …
“Riding bikes to Rocky River” http://t.co/acqz1TQv