my parakeet Belle has decided to try landing on different stuff lately, like this desk
RT @joshua_eaton In other word…
RT @joshua_eaton In other words, we won’t solve things simply by getting enough meritocrats working together to fix them. Sorry Aspen, Davos, and TED.
“Three NSA Whistleblowers Back…
“Three NSA Whistleblowers Back EFF’s Lawsuit Over Government’s Massive Spying Program”
Still only up to about 1985 or…
Still only up to about 1985 or 1990 as far as the physics I understand (at best); but I’m skeptical of CERN’s claims given recent mis-steps.
Statue of Liberty in Des Plain…
Statue of Liberty in Des Plaines [via color high-res photo by Jim]
‘ACTA Is DEAD After European P…
‘ACTA Is DEAD After European Parliament Vote (Rick Falkvinge/TorrentFreak)’
“When life gives you key limes…
“When life gives you key limes instead of lemons, rejoice! Then proceed immediately to the lime aid makin…
Jessica <3…
Jessica <3
.@JessicaMcKeown talking about…
.@JessicaMcKeown talking about some of the local news using social media: ‘We’re going to live Tweet from the 4th grade apple tree parade.’
‘Man destroys T-Mobile store i…
‘Man destroys T-Mobile store in a fit of anger’