“So many more people had come to believe, illusorily or not, that they were capital.” –Michael Wolff http://t.co/6C7eVk75
Tony Robinson asks if bankers …
Tony Robinson asks if bankers are human – YouTube http://t.co/3yFcZtkf
RT @whoisdubstep dont normally…
RT @whoisdubstep dont normally like the goeverment much but think riots good policy to help peopl get nice things in oysterity times well done daivd camreon
Podcast 36 – Jim & Jessi…
Podcast 36 – Jim & Jessica, Nexus Q and Apple TV, Wikileaks, PS Vita, Soul Caliber IV and V http://t.co/pQBxymEs
Jessica at the Cleveland Art M…
Jessica at the Cleveland Art Museum Summer Solstice Party http://t.co/mjIHaJoy
Heard that Canada signed the K…
Heard that Canada signed the Kyoto protocol right? Did you hear they quietly weaseled out of the agreement? #CanadaDay http://t.co/rYNJseTv
The queen of England could dis…
The queen of England could dissolve Canada’s parliament if she cared to. That’s real, look it up. #CanadaDay should be #BritishEmpireDay
If Canada is so great, why did…
If Canada is so great, why did their police tazer a Polish man to death in an airport? #CanadaDay http://t.co/bHy7y9tL
On this Canada day, let’s co…
On this Canada day, let’s consider the hoary myth that Canadians are so “nice.” Ok some are, but more are smug, rednecky, drunk & goonish.
Now Egypt is largely free of b…
Now Egypt is largely free of being run by Western spies. What’s to stop them from invading apartheid Israel and picking up at 1973? Nothing.