Disabled cancer patient slammed to the ground by TSA guards, lawsuit claims
Disabled cancer patient slammed to the ground by TSA guards, lawsuit claims
Hannah Cohen, 18, was on her way home from St Jude’s Hospital when a scanner went off and led to incident that left her ‘physically and emotionally’ injured
Rotor logo 1
Wayne County prosecutor who resigned back at work
Wayne County prosecutor who resigned back at work
Teana Walsh suggested police ‘Shoot em. Period.’ after Baltimore protesters rioted following Freddie Gray death
After Dallas Shootings, Police Arrest People for Criticizing Cops on Facebook and Twitter
After Dallas Shootings, Police Arrest People for Criticizing Cops on Facebook and Twitter
Police are feeling more threatened by angry tweets, but free speech advocates warn that having a bad thought isn’t necessarily a crime.
Gulp – Transpiling ES6 with Babel in 2016 [screencast #10]
Gulp – Transpiling ES6 with Babel in 2016 [screencast #10]
a parameter containing an object specifying ES2015 transpiling is added to the Gulp task from screencast #4; the screencast for Gulp ch. 3 on
Abandoned Guild Theatre, Portland, Oregon
View to the west from up above 1st Avenue, Seattle
The gateway to Yellowstone National Park. “For The Benefit And Enjoyment Of The People” “Created…
The gateway to Yellowstone National Park. "For The Benefit And Enjoyment Of The People" "Created…
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) June 29, 2016