Dinner – first course #greenApple http://t.co/0Dy23Jds
New header graphic for my blog…
New header graphic for my blog http://t.co/ZaLxJSHT
If someone could go ahead and …
If someone could go ahead and write a WordPress plugin to translate all t.co links into their real-world equivalents now, that’d be great.
Now archiving retweets as well…
Now archiving retweets as well as tweets in my new Twitter archive. You don’t archive your tweets automatically on your own server do you?
RT @occupyoakland Things are l…
RT @occupyoakland Things are looking good but we need peeps. Come to berth 67-68 and berth 63. #oo #portshutdown #d12 #d13
Microsoft just can’t do securi…
Microsoft just can’t do security “Windows Phone SMS attack discovered, reboots device & disables messaging hub” http://t.co/ya1ELIUO
The Screambird project: No Sle…
The Screambird project: No Sleep #trance #electro http://t.co/f6E1Tacc
“@RajonRondo: excited to annou…
“@RajonRondo: excited to announce the launch of my new website and new foundation. go to http://t.co/7s8RRQMU.” What about a new team #Cavs
RT @occupyoakland Based on ver…
RT @occupyoakland Based on verified police repression @ #occupyseattle #occupyhouston #occupylongbeach # occupysd- we will extend our port blockade. #oo # ows
Old school Palm device http://…
Old school Palm device http://t.co/oVP75cBK