‘Drinkable warm-hot.’ / “Designed to work on both.” / ‘Just a little shipping container basically.’ / ‘Glowing from the inside.’ / ‘I’ve-been-doing-this-all-day energy.’ / ‘You run the risk of being run over.’
Listen: download the mp3.
Podcast topics:
Starbucks Roastery on First Hill in Seattle.
Starbucks locations at grocery stores: are the workers there like caged animals?
Pacemaker, a DJ app for iPad that Jessica found.
Fedoras: Kickstarter top-hat-trilby-Nightmare (‘Le Grand Hat‘)
Woman in Idaho shot at a Walmart by own two year old.
16-year-old in Texas runs a man down with a car and kills him over not buying alcohol.
“Non transparent” ETFs still yet waiting for approval.
Zuckerburg’s book club.
CloudMagic email client app for iPad.