Podcast 10

djmblog.com Podcast 10

Hosted by Dan | Subscribe via RSS

show notes

Listen: download the mp3

iOS apps (iPhone/iPod Touch 4)

TweetDeck (Twitter app)

TweetBot (Twitter app)

Monophix (black and white photo effects app)

Adobe Ideas (sketching app)

PictureShow (photo filter app)

Algoriddim djay (music playing DJ app)

miniSynth (old school style synthesizer app)

Podcast clips

Kernel Panic Oggcast #28 discussion about carrot cake


pacificpelican.us podcast episode 51 now available: birds, the neighborhood, and me and Jessica talking in a restaurant (and me using the djay app)

Bill Hicks interview on Austin Public Access

Audiobooks (aka books on tape) as an alternative to podcasts

Podiobooks (the free alternative)

Audible (the Amazon-owned publisher) [listen to the podcast to hear my rant about their ads in podcasts]

Note Taking

Evernote for iOS + Evernote for Mac + Evernote for web [pretty good experience across platforms and offline]

Simplenote for iOS + JustNotes for Mac + Simplenote for web [lacking compared to Evernote without offical Mac client]

Google Docs for mobile web + Google Docs for web [easy to use cross-platform [if online]; fairly easy to use]

Mac/Linux desktop apps

gedit (an excellent free cross-platform text editor)

Sketchbook Express (free Mac skectching app)

Text file creation capability added to pacificpelican.us/cms

Simplistic text file creator/reader ability now a feature in the pacificpelican.us cms free and open source downloadable (self-hosted) PHP web app (version now available).

[originally aired May 3, 2011]